08:00-09:30    ROOM N11

Patient satisfaction
Chairs: Ken Farrington, Stevenage, UK
             Luc Frimat, Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France

Patient satisfaction: why and how measure it in dialysis patient?
Serge Briançon, Vandoeuvre-Lès-Nancy, France
An overview of instruments to measure satisfaction with care in patients on renal replacement
Sabine Van Der Veer, Manchester, UK
How to implement patient satisfaction in practice patterns evaluation?
Luc Frimat, Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France
Is patient satisfaction a concept that is acceptable in a developing country?
Fayçal Jarraya, Sfax, Tunisia
Patient feedback and satisfaction: the importance of involvement
Fiona Loud, Alton, UK
Nicholas Palmer, Worksop, UK


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